Valentine's Week is a special week for our family, because it is the week our family began. I still remember 17 years ago preparing for our wedding on February 18th, 1995.
This year we decided to make a week of celebration. The party began by renting a cabin at a state park for a couple of nights and enjoying the water park. We spent most of our time relaxing together in front of the wood stove (which might need to be on the list of must-haves in our home when we build!), playing games, listening to our favorite CD's and Josh on the guitar. Jonathan bought me a box of beautiful truffles for Valentine's Day and I bought us Mr. and Mrs. mugs for our nightly cuppa tea :) The special heart hair-do added a nice girly touch to the day.
The week ended with a date with my best friend (& Ellie), and then dedicating Eliana to the Lord on Sunday. It was like most of our days: full of life, love, activity, food, fun, & just a little craziness! I'm sure we neither one had any idea what we were in for 17 years ago when we said "I do", but I know now, more than ever, just how much God loves, provides, teaches, and blesses us! He is so good and I am so thankful for the gift of my husband and children!